Poseidon Dive Adventures

TCA Dancer

Designated as a Marine Sanctuary, the Silver Bank provides a safe wintering haven for the entire North Atlantic Humpback Whale population who gather here from January through April by the thousands to court, mate, calve, and rear their young. Humpback whales find the area ideal for mating and giving birth. The banks offer safety and protection to females and their calves until the young are strong enough to make the trip back to the North Eastern U.S. coast. This sanctuary, also known as the “Sanctuary for the Marine Mammals of the Dominican Republic” is one of three places in the world where  humans can swim and snorkel among the whales. 

During the week, guests will observe the whales at close range  which includes above the water and soft in water encounters.You'll see them spin and play, hear their haunting songs resonating through the water and sense the power and grace of some of the most intelligent mammals on earth - it’s a life-changing experience! All whale charters depart from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic.